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    The Gardener’s Daughter

    Firstly, apologies for skipping last week. The sun was shining. It was 30 degrees. That’s hot for Ireland. I lazed around in the sun in the snatched spare moments between a jam-packed week of work and webinars. I’ve been making…

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    Getting it wrong in great company

    In my first author interview (links here), my publisher asked me what advice I’d give to aspiring authors. I said that I have found joining writing groups and doing writing courses invaluable, not so much for the teaching content (although…

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    Reject, Reuse, Recycle

    Someone said something to someone recently that got me thinking about a thing that happens to writers a lot. Rejection. It wasn’t even a rejection of my own work that led to this thought. Although I had my own latest…

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    Bobbing along

    I suggested last week that I may write more about how Bob Sparrow had arrived in my head. Revisiting Bob has made me consider how very long it is since I’ve been anywhere! I know I’m not the only one…