
It’s Publication Day!

Today, March 15th 2022, I woke up as a published Novelist!

(I know novelist makes me sound all pretentious, but I couldn’t just say ‘published’ or ‘author’ because today wasn’t the first for those. Today marks the release of my first novel, but short stories, flash pieces, creative non-fiction, and ‘stuff’ are already out there in the world. So, I’m going with Novelist to mark the awesomeness of today, if that’s ok!)

It’s been a whirlwind day of keeping up with messages and social media interactions, and then my planned afternoon of flopping on the sofa to recover from the excitement and continue to scroll through Twitter was scuppered in the loveliest way by my husband coming home early with flowers. Now we are both lounging on the sofa like old people, debating whether we can actually summon the energy to go and eat out. We probably can’t!! Welcome to the highlife of a debut novelist.

Meanwhile, let me take a moment to thank every single person who helped Dear Isobel come to fruition, not least the aforementioned husband, and also my publisher, Creative James Media, who saw the need to put Dear Isobel out into the world.

I also need to thank everyone who has already read an early copy and left a review, and everyone who pre-ordered or has ordered through today. Thank you. I can’t wait to hear who’s on the ‘Love it‘ team and who’s on the ‘Deeply dislikeable‘ team and who is torn, and sits in the ‘yes, she is utterly, continuously self-absorbed, but I kind of get her anyway‘ camp. Please do leave your thoughts, comments, and reviews – we love to read them!

All I have to say now is:

YAY! We made it! Dear Isobel is an Actual, Published, Physical BOOK!!!

Thank YOU for reading.

If you didn’t already order your copy, you can get it here: Dear Isobel

Love, Jinny

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